Risk Evaluation & Vessel Valuations

Based on due diligence reports, vessel valuations and market analysis, SecondWind assesses the risk and provides strategic advice. Using historical and current data, SecondWind can deliver the basis for strategic planning by providing detailed reviews of specific shipping loans and investments together with background factors and market trends.

SecondWind produces tailor made market reviews facilitating the evaluation of market risks and rewards from investments, disinvestments and chartering.

SecondWind produces reliable, independent valuations of most types of vessel. Valuation fees start from £850.00 per vessel.

We are well placed to undertake an independent appraisal of a complete shipping portfolio at this stage in the down cycle and to highlight those vessels/owners most likely to be at risk in a prolonged shipping slump. Drawing on historical data, current market trends, vessel specifics, chartering relationships and extensive commercial experience SecondWind is able to identify high risk companies and advise on future strategic opportunities.